A New Set Of Lyrics

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Feel fate falling into place,
Now I can stare forever at your face,
Right now there is a night sky full of stars,
Waiting for us.

Tomas-That is a great song and you sound amazing singing it.

Vilu-Thanks and sorry for not talking to you for a while, it's just I have been going threw a lot.

Tomas-No need to explain, I totally understand.


Tomas-So are you going to perform it?

Vilu-When I write a chorus. I just don't know when I will get to it because of the show.

Tomas-Yeah. So have you spoken to Angie?

Vilu-No but I will have to at some time.


*Angie then walks in*

Angie-Violetta can you talk?

Tomas-I will leave you two alone.

*Tomas walks out*

Angie-Vilu I..

Vilu-Let me talk first. I forgive you. I am not the type to hold grudges anyway. I am also happy that I have more family.

Angie-You and Fede also have a Grandmother.

Vilu-Dad said that she was dead.

Angie-You see your Dad has been lying to you for many years since you Mother died and moved you to Spain and is why I was there. I have been searching for you and Federico for years and...

Vilu-Then why didn't you tell us?

Angie-I was afraid that you would tell him and that he would take you away again.

Vilu-Again? Did he take Federico and I to Spain to take us away from you?

*Angie nods*

Vilu-I can't believe him! I am going to...

Angie-Don't confront him because it will just make things worst.

Vilu-Ok "Aunt" Angie. Wow that sounds weird.

Angie-You calling me Angie is fine.

Vilu-I am glad and I am also glad that I have an Aunt.

*Angie and Vilu hug while Federico walks into the room and scowls

Federico-What are you doing Violetta?

Vilu-Fede just talk to Angie.

Federico-I wouldn't talk to her if she was the last person alive.

Vilu-Fede please.


*Federico walks out and Angie follows him*


Feel fate falling into place,
Now I can stare forever at your face,
Right now there is a night sky full of stars,
Waiting for us.

Leon-I loved it.

Vilu-Oh Leon I didn't see you come in. Hi.

Leon-Hi and sorry for not telling you that I was here but ai love that song.

Vilu-Thanks and it just needs a verse.

Leon-I know and I think that I can help with that.

*Leon hands her a piece of paper with lyrics on them and Vilu reads them*

Vilu-Wow these would be great! Thanks Leon.

*Vilu and Leon hug*

Vilu-Oh sorry I..

Leon-It's fine, friends hug all the time.

Vilu-Yeah friends right...well I should seem rehearse the lyrics.


*Cami then walks in*

Cami-Oh did I interrupt?

Leon-No I was just leaving.

Vilu-Well thanks a lot for the lyrics.

Leon-No problem. See you later Violetta.

*Leon walks out*

Cami-(Reading the lyrics) Now in your eyes I can see a dream.

Cami-So I see that you finished the song.

Vilu-Actually Leon did.

Cami-Urrm Vilu...


Cami-This is a pretty romantic song and I am pretty sure what this means.


Cami-Leon still likes you!

Vilu-Cami! Shhhh! Anyway he doesn't still like me and it was a pretty romantic song before he wrote them so it doesn't mean anything.


Vilu-No...Do you really think so?

*Cami nods while Vilu smiles*

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