A New Disbelief

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(At The Studio)

Fran-Hey Vilu. Have a good time on your date with Leon?

Vilu-It wasn't a date! But yeah it was great! He even kissed me on the cheek when he dropped me home!

Fran-Listen Vilu we have something to tell you.

Vilu-What is it?

Maxi-Well how do we say this...

Cami-Leon's a jerk.

Fran-Cami! Way to be sensitive!

Cami-Well if I wasn't blunt then she wouldn't understand.

Vilu-He isn't a jerk. He is so nice.

Cami-To you but he will be nice for a short amount of time and then you will see the real Leon.

*Vilu stares at Cami in disbelief*

Fran-It's ok Vilu , come here.

*Fran pulls Vilu into a hug and Vilu pushes her away*

Vilu-You are lying! Leave me alone from now on.

*Violetta walks angrily home*

Fede-Hey guys did Violetta leave without me? Oh wow!


*Vilu gets home, slams the door behind her and is about to go up to her room when German comes out of his office*

German-Hey don't take it out on the doors! What's wrong?

Vilu-It turns out that the people I thought were my friends, weren't...

German-Come on Vilu. Don't let them upset you. Olga bake Violetta a chocolate cake!

Olga-(From The Kitchen) Right away!

*Federico comes in and hears German and Vilu talking even though they don't notice he is there*

German-Is everything ok now?

Vilu-No Dad! I am not 5 anymore!! You can't just give me cake and make things better! Urrgh you just don't understand!!!!

*Violetta runs up the stairs,goes in her room , slams and locks the door*

Fede-Are you ok?

German-(Upset)Yeah it's just she has never really shouted at me like that before.

Fede-Don't worry Dad. She is just going threw some issues at school and taking it out on you. She will come around.

German-I hope so.

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