A New Revelation

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*Vilu and Fede walk into the studio and walk away from each other*

*Leon walks over to Vilu*

Leon-Hey can we talk?

Vilu-Sure I am sorry about yesterday.

Leon-It's ok I am sorry about trying to kiss you.

Vilu-It's ok but you don't have to apologise. Its's just that...it would have been my first kiss and I was nervous.

Leon-It's ok. So maybe I could take you out sometime and we could just see what happens.

Vilu-Sure I would like that.

*Fran waves at Vilu and motions for her to come over and Leon sees*

Leon-You should probably go.


Leon-So what about after school?

Vilu-Sure I am looking forward to it.

*Vilu walks over to Fran and Leon smiles*

Fran-What was that about?

Vilu-Leon just asked me out.

*Cami rolls her eyes*


Cami-Sorry but I am not going to change my mind about him but good for you Vilu.

*Cami walks away into the music room and Vilu follows her*

Vilu-Listen Cami, do you like me?

Cami-Sure yeah whatever.

Vilu-What is your problem with me?

Cami-It's nothing.

Vilu-I don't think has anything to do with Leon. Are you jealous because of my friendship with Fran?


Vilu-Then what is it because I am getting tired of this.

Cami-You really want to know?

Vilu-I really do.

Cami-The studio is a really hard school to get in to you know.

Vilu-Yes so?

Cami-The places were full and your Dad the millionaire paid extra to get you in.


Cami-And sorry but I think it's unfair because some of us worked really hard to get in here and because of your Dad's money you were accepted.

Vilu-I didn't know that.

Cami-Well it's true. Federico was the last person to get in and your Dad paid extra for you to get in.

Vilu-Then why were you pretending to be nice to me?

Cami-Gregorio told us all to be nice to you and Federico because your Dad was donating a lot of money to the studio and if we were not then he would pull all of the funding and that the studio would be shut down.

Vilu-So you are all pretending to be nice to me?

Cami-Not all . Fran is probably the only person who is actually nice to you because she is just nice like that .

Vilu-I can't believe this.

Cami-Well believe it. I warned you about Leon for a reason. Gregorio told him to date you.


Cami-I am sorry but I couldn't be your friend because I didn't like how you got in and also I felt too guilty. But I wouldn't mind being your friend now.

Vilu-Don't bother.

*Vilu walks out of the music room and walks over to Fran and the others*

Fran-Have you and Cami made up yet? Because we were all going for smoothies after school if you want to come.

Vilu-Don't bother pretending to be nice to me. I know everything and you all make me sick. Leave me alone!

*Leon walks over*

Leon-Hey hey! What's wrong?

Maxi-She knows everything.

Leon-Vilu please listen to me.

Vilu-No I am done listening to all of you. All of you,especially you Leon, never talk to me again!

*Vilu runs out crying  and Federico walks over to them*

Fede-What did you do to my sister?!

*Nobody replies  and Fede runs after Vilu*

Hey I hope you enjoyed that chapter!

Sabz xx

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