A New Apology

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German-Open the door Violetta !

*Vilu doesn't answer*


*The door unlocks*

Violetta-Ok! Stop shouting!

German-Then don't lock me out.

 Violetta-What do you want?

German-I am sorry.

Violetta-You always do this..wait what?

German-You are right and I wasn't. I am sorry for not letting you go to the studio.

Violetta-I am sorry for overreacting.

German-Well sorry for interrupting you.

*German leaves and Violetta hears her phone beep*

-----------Text Messages----------

 Leon-Why didn't you come to the studio?

Violetta-My Dad grounded me but don't worry I am coming tomorrow. Did I miss anything?

Leon-Not much.

Violetta-That's good I guess.

Leon-Well see you tomorrow. 

Sorry for a boring chapter and sorry for not updating much today I had some family issues so I will write and update more chapters for this book and my others.

Sabrina xx

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