A New Confession

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*Vilu and Leon are walking hand in hand in the park*

Vilu-I am really going to miss this. Miss you and miss us.

Leon-I know me too but this won't be the last time that we see each other. Will it?

Vilu-Honestly, I don't know. My Dad and Jade are pretty determined to make us forget about even being here.

Leon-It's all so unfair. I mean, how can he just take you away like that?Just when things were going so great with us.

*Vilu hugs Leon*

Vilu-I know...

(Meanwhile and the studio)

Ludmila-Federico! Wait up!

*Federico turns around to see Ludmila running after him*

*She then trips over and he catches her*

Ludmila-Umm thanks.

Federico-What did you want?

Ludmila-To say that I will miss you a lot.


Ludmila-I really do love you Federico...

Federico-I am not getting into this right now.

Ludmila-And I just wanted to say that the whole situation is really unfair and I hope that you are happy in Spain.

*Ludmila walks off while Diego walks over to him*

Diego-Hey man what's wrong?

Federico-Do you think that I should give Ludmila another chance? I do love her but she hurt me.

Diego-Seriously? If you want my honestly advice, I pick no. Ludmila is such a nasty piece of work that I...

Federico-Hey! Don't talk about her like that!

Diego-Chill man..

Federico-I won't chill! I love her and you can't speak about her like that!

Ludmila-You...love me?

*Federico turns around to see a shocked Ludmila standing there shocked*

Federico-Yeah. I do....

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