A New Bad Mood

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*Everyone is eating breakfast and Vilu comes down late and doesn't say good morning like she normally does*

German-Violetta. Violetta?

*Vilu nods*

German-I want you to speak to me. Now.

Vilu-Or what?!

German-Don't talk to me like that Violetta!

Violetta-Or what?!

German-That's it! Go to your room!

Fede-But we have to go to the studio!

German-Violetta is staying at home today.

Violetta-Are you serious?!

German-Yes that is your punishment.

*Violetta goes upstairs and slams her bedroom door*

Fede-If she isn't going then neither am I.

German-You are going.

Fede-Yay because even though I want to support her, I really love going to the studio. Anyway I have to go or I will be late.

*Federico leaves*

Ramallo-You handled that badly with Violetta ,Gernan.

German-I didn't ask your opinion and second she needs to learn some respect for me.

Ramallo-You don't understand do you?

German-What is that supposed to mean?

Ramallo-She has all the respect in the world for you but she feels like you don't understand her and that frustrates her.

German-How did you become so wise Ramallo?



*Federico walks into the studio and the guys walk up to him*

Leon-Where is Violetta?

Federico-Nice to see you too. She is grounded and can't come to school.

Fran-What did she do?

Federico-She was rude to our Dad and he grounded her.

Cami-Just for that? I do way worst things and I never get grounded.

Fede-Yeah but you don't understand. She has never done anything like that to him before. I do it all the time but Vilu is the favourite so she gets a worst punishment.

Leon-So can we go see her after school?

Fede-I doubt it. Anyway we have class.

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