A New Friend

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*Vilu walks into the studio and sees Leon*

*He is talking to Ludmila but he walks over to her as he sees her go into the music room*


Podemos pintar, colores al alma

Podemos gritar, yeah!

Podemos volar, sin tener alas

Ser la letra en mi canción

Y tallarme en tu voz

*Leon claps and startles her*

Leon-Sorry i didn't mean to startle you. But you play the piano and sing so well.


Leon-So I was wondering if you wanted to be friends?


Leon-Well you are new and need someone to show you around and anyway you are nice.

Vilu-OK why not?

*Fran walks in*

Fran-There you are Violetta! Come on we need to go to class!

Vilu-Hey I will be there in a minute.

Leon-Well see you later Violetta.

*Fran&Leon leave and Ludmila walks in while Vilu is clearing up her music sheets*

Ludmila-Hello Vilu. Can I call you Vilu?

Vilu-Well actually..

Ludmila-Great! Well lets have a girl talk ok?


Ludmila-You are interested in Leon and...

Vilu-Leon is just my friend and partner for the assignment.

Ludmila-Nobody interrupts me. Like I was saying, after the assignment is over, you will stop talking to him and you will leave him alone.

Vilu-Listen I don't care if you are his girlfriend but you can't tell me what to do.

Ludmila-You are skating on very thin ice.

Vilu-I don't care how popular you think you are but that means nothing to me. Now excuse me I have to get to class.

*Vilu walks out and walks into Fede*

Fede-Wow you have already made an enemy!

A New World (A Violetta Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now