A New Web Of Lies

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(At Dinner)

German-So Kids , I hope that you are more welcoming to Jade now.

Jade-Yes especially Violetta and she wanted to say something.

Violetta-I did?

Jade-Yes you did, remember?

Violetta-Oh right. I wanted to say that....Jade is a really nice lady and I am happy that you are getting married.....


German-I am happy to hear that.

Federico-Did you forget what she did?!

Violetta-She is different now. Dad can I be excused?


*Violetta goes upstairs*

Jade-I will just go check if she is ok.

*Jade goes into Violetta bedroom and closes the door*

Violetta-What do you want now?

Jade-Your performance wasn't very impressive.

Violetta-You didn't say it had to be impressive.

Jade-Don't play games with me.

Violetta-Just get out of my room before I call my Dad.

Jade-Then I will show him the picture.

Violetta-Fine Jade but just leave me alone.

*German enters*

German-Is something wrong?

Jade-No not at all.


Violetta-Everything is fine Dad. Jade was just leaving.

Jade-No I wasn't.

German-Can I talk to my daughter alone please?

Jade-I would prefer to stay in here.

Violetta-Jade I want to talk to my Dad alone please.

*Jade leaves*

German-Is everything ok?

Violetta-You can't marry Jade.

German-Why not?

*Jade comes back in*

Jade-Why not?

Violetta-Because I really want to be involved and I can't because of school....stuff.

German-Well don't worry Vilu because you just being there is enough.

Vilu-OK well I want to sleep now.

German-Sure we will leave you now.

*Jade&German leave*

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