A New Argument&Disappearance

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*Vilu walks into her house and walks straight into her Dad's office while he is talking to clients*

Vilu-You are NOT taking me back to Spain!

German-Violetta I am busy can this wait?

Vilu-No! I am happy here and you constantly treat me like a suitcase!

*The two Japanese men start speaking to each other and then leave*

German-You cost me $50000!

Vilu-I don't care! I am not leaving with you! You are the worst Dad ever and you are the most selfish person ever.

German-Take you to Spain?

Vilu-I know everything. You are always thinking about yourself.

German-You will not speak to me like that and I wasn't going to take you anywhere.


German-Just go to your room Violetta and don't come back down until dinner. I don't want to see you right now.

Villu-But I have to go to the studio.

German-Now! You will not set a foot out of the door!

*Vilu walks out of the office and sees Jade laughing*

Vilu-You set me up! He wasn't going to take me anywhere! Why?

Jade-I was sure if you were talking me up to your Dad so I decided to teach you a lesson.

Vilu-I didn't do anything!

Jade-Well then it's warning.

Vilu-I hate you.

Jade-(Smirking)You heard your Dad ,up to your room

*Vilu goes up to her room and slams the door shut*

Vilu-I can't believe she did that to me!


-----Phone Conversation-------

Vilu-Hey Leon

Leon-Hey are you ok? You didn't come back to the studio.

Vilu-I did something stupid now I am stuck in my room.

Leon-I wish I could do something.

Vilu-Leon it's ok just tell me if we have an assignment or something. Oh I hear footsteps gotta go!

-------Phone Conversation Over------


Vilu-Oh Olga it just you! I thought that it was my Dad.

Olga-I am much prettier!

*Vilu and Olga both laugh*

Olga-What is wrong my dear? Fighting with your Dad all the time isn't like you.

Vilu-Olga I just feel like I am not listened to and I am sick of it.

Olga-I know that your Dad isn't the easiest person to get along with but he loves you Violetta.

Vilu-Thanks Olga but air want to be alone right now.

Olga-Sure. Just call if you need anything.

*Olga leaves and Vilu locks the door and lies down on her bed in boredom*

*She then hears noises coming from her window and as she walks over and opens it, a rock comes flying in and she ducks and as she gets up she looks out the window and sees Leon standing on the ground*

Leon-Sorry about that last rock....

Vilu-What are you doing here? My Dad might see you!

Leon-I am not leaving until I do this.

Vilu-I don't get it.


Es por lo menos que parezco


y solo yo entiendo lo que me


mirame bien, dime quien es el



cerca de ti,irresistible

una actuacion, poco


mirame bien,dime quien es

el mejor

Vilu-I'm serious! My Dad might hear you!!!

Hablemos de una vez

yo te veo pero tu no ves

en esta historia todo esta al reves

no me importa esta vez voy por


Leon-Liked it?

Vilu-I can't believe you did that.

*German walks into Vilu's room*


German-Are you talking to someone?

Vilu-No DAD

German-Why are you shouting Dad?

Vilu-I am sorry DAD that you are in MY ROOM.

German-Urrm ok well I came to check on you.

Vilu-I am great.

German-Well ok then

*German leaves*

Vilu-He's gone.

*Leon comes out from behind a Bush*

Leon-Great I was afraid. So are you grounded or something?

Vilu-Well he said that I couldn't set a foot out of the door. Wait there.

*Vilu climbs out of the window, and goes down the fire escape and gives Leon a hug*

Leon-Wow I didn't know that you could do that.

Vilu-I didn't either. I just remembered the fire escape so I thought why not? Let's go.


Vilu-Anywhere but here now come on!

*Vilu and Leon leave and German walks into her room*

German-Violetta? Dinner is ready!!

*He searches under her bed and in the closet and can't find her and starts to panic*

Olga-Why is she taking so long?

Ramallo-Yeah what is going on?

German-She's gone....

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