A New Proposition

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*Vilu walks to the front door and it's Leon. She greets him with a hug and kiss and she invites him inside*

Vilu-Come in. So what are you doing here?

Leon-I heard about Federico so I came to see if everything was ok since we have kinda become friends when we got back together.

*Vilu holds Leon's hands and smiles*

Vilu-That's sweet but Federico has locked himself in his room and won't even talk to me and I am his twin so you might not be able to see him.

Leon-I get it l. So how are you?

Vilu-It hurts to see him like this especially since it was Ludmila but I can't do anything or Federico might get more upset.

Leon-I guess so.

German-Hello Leon. Why are you here?

Leon-I came to see Federico.

German-But doesn't explain why you are holding hands with my daughter.

*Vilu and Leon separate and Vilu stands next to German*

Vilu-Dad, Leon thought that he might be able to cheer Federico up so he came here. Right Leon?


German-Well he is in his room Leon.

Vilu-I will show him.

German-He can find it. Right Leon?

Leon-Yes sir.

*Leon goes up the stairs to find Federico*


Federico-I told you that I wanted to be alone!

*Federico opens his bedroom door and looks shocked to see Leon*

Leon-Can I come in?


*Leon walks inside*

Federico-So did Violetta send you?

Leon-Nope I wanted to say that dating Ludmila was a mistake because she just hurts people and even though you might miss her now, it's for the best.

Federico-Thanks because a part of me wants her back because I love her even though she treated me so badly...

Leon-Just remember what she did and that she is a bad person.


Leon-Well I will leave you alone.

*Leon goes down the stairs but stops when he sees Violetta videochatting with somebody*

Violetta-What is it Tomas?

Leon-(Thinking) Why is she videochatting with Tomas?

Tomas-We haven't seen each other in a while so I wanted to see how you were

Violetta-I am with Leon and I am happy.

Tomas-You don't look it, so I wanted to cheer you up. Listen.

Violetta-Tomas I...


Es conexión entre tú y yo
En cada verso de esta canción
Tu voz y la mía
En cada acorde en cada rima
Es conexión entre tú y yo
En cada verso de esta canción
Es tan distinto junto a ti
Soy lo que soy si estas aquí


Tomas-Did you like it?

Vilu-Yeah but I don't understand why you would sing this love song to me.

Tomas-I am in love with you and I always have been and I want you to dump Leon and be with me. What do you say?


A New World (A Violetta Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now