A New Rejection and Consolement

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Leon-Vilu wait.


Leon-Can we talk?


Cami-I think you should hear him out.

Vilu-Fine 2 minutes.

*Vilu and Leon walk away from the others*

Leon-Listen I feel so bad and I am so sorry about everything that happened.

Vilu-Ok then.

Leon-Vilu I admit at first I was just pretending but I started to really fall for you and you are the reason I ended things with Ludmila. I really think that we should put this behind us and start again. So I know I don't deserve it but will you go on a date with me?

Vilu-Well you are right. You don't deserve it. I don't want anything to do with you. I will do the assignment but after the show, I am done with you.

Leon-But.... I thought you liked me too...

Vilu-I did but now I see who you really are, you make me sick. Goodbye Leon.

*Vilu walks off and Leon looks upset*

*Lara then walks over to him*

Lara-Are you ok?


Lara-I know you Leon and just because you are not with Ludmila it doesn't mean we aren't friends.

Leon-I know.

Lara-You look like you could use a hug.

*Lara hugs Leon and over his shoulder she can see Vilu looking upset and then Lara smiles as Vilu walks away

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