A New Vendetta

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--------------Phone Converstaion---------------------

Vilu-Dad! I said that I will be back at 5pm!

German-You know I don't like you being alone with boys late!

Vilu-But Daddy please! It's just Leon!

German-Ok I will meet you half way. Take Federico with you.

Vilu-But Daddy!

German-Well it's Federico or you aren't going.

Vilu-Fine I will but I am not happy about this.

German-Love you Vilu

*German Hangs up and Vilu groans*

------------Phone Convo over---------------

Vilu-Hey Fede!

*Fede is talking to Ludmila about his assignment and he walks over to Vilu*

*Then Ludmila eavesdrops on them*

Vilu-Dad says that you have to come to the race track with me.

Fede-Why are we going there? Wait a minute..Seriously?

Vilu-Please Fede! I will do your chores!

Fede-Nice try but we don't have chores.

Vilu-You know what? I don't need to bribe you. I can just call Daddy and he will make you so we can either do this the easy or hard way.

*Vilu smirks*

Fede-Arggh fine whatever but I hate when you use the "Daddy" card on me.

Vilu-Great! Be there at 4pm.

*Vilu gives Fede a quick hug and then runs off to find Leon*



Leon-I am looking forward to you watching me race.

Vilu-Well I am looking forward to coming.


*Fran,Diego,Maxi,Cami&Broduey are watching Leon&Violetta and they also notice Ludmila staring at Leon&Vilu*

*Then they all walk over to Leon&Vilu*

*Leon&Vilu are laughing and they don't notice people standing there until Cami says something*

Cami-Hey guys.

Vilu-Oh hey.

Cami-What's so funny?

Leon-It's a private joke so you wouldn't understand

Fran-Vilu we wanted to know if you wanted to hang out with us after school?

Leon-Sorry she has plans with me.

Fran-Well maybe another time Vilu.

Vilu-Yeah sure.

Leon-Hey we should get going.

Vilu-Yeah. See you guys later.

*Vilu and Leon walk away*

Cami-It's such a shame to see her with a jerk like that.

Fran-I know right.

Maxi-Should we tell her what he's really like?

Fran-Not yet. She seems happy and maybe Leon might be different with her but if he does anything else then we will tell her.


(At The Race Track)

*Federico walks and stands next to Vilu while she is watching Leon annd cheereing*

Vilu-Thanks for coming.

Fede-Well you didn't give me much choice did you?

Vilu-Fede I have never liked a boy like this before and I just want to see how things go with Leon.

Fede-Fine whatever.

Vilu-He is great!

Fede-Yeah whatever.

Vilu-Are you going to be like this the whole time?

Fede-Pretty much.

*Leon wins his race and walks over to Vilu&Fede*

*He gives Vilu a hug while Fede stands there awkwardly*

Leon-Hey Federico. Whart are you doing here? Looking out for your sister?

Fede-No I am here by force. Violetta couldn't come if I didn't.

Leon-Oh right.

*Vilu looks embarrassed*

Leon-Oh well you look bored. Have you ever ridden one of these bikes before?


Leon-Well I could get a friend of mine to help you. Lara!

*As soon as Lara hears Leon's voice she comes running and gives him a quick hug while Vilu stands there looking jealous*

Lara-You were awesome out there!

Leon-Thanks but I was hoping you could help me with something.


Leon-Do you think you would show my friend here a basic tutorial about riding a bike?

Lara-(Disappointed) Oh sure ok. Do you want me to take Violetta off your hands too? I mean so you know you can get some important practice done?

Leon-No thanks I want Violetta to stay with me.

*Fede&Lara leave*

Fede-So how do I drive this thing?

Lara-It's simple. Handles,break and seat. No questions? Good I will be back.

*Lara goes off and calls Ludmila*

-------Phone Convo-----------------

Ludmila-What is it?

Lara-Violetta likes Leon and I think he likes her back.

Ludmila-Why are you telling me things that I already know?

Lara-Aren't you going to do anything?

Ludmila-Well...yeah sure...

Lara-Well I am.

Ludmila-Listen sis, Leon just thinks of you as my boyish little sister...

Lara-I am not boyish!

Ludmila-He is into femine girls I mean have you ever put on a dress?

Lara-Not the point! I am going to get rid of her and Leon will end up with me.

Ludmila-Yeah yeah if you say so. So now you have some vendetta against Violetta? I mean she hasn't done anything to you.

Lara-Bye Ludmila

*Ludmila hangs up*

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