A New Rival

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(The Next Day At The Studio)

*Vilu and Fede walk in talking to each other*

Vilu-No I am not going to apologise.

Fede-I know how you feel but I hate all this arguing in the house

Vilu-Well tough.

Ludmila-Is everything ok?

Vilu-It's a private conversation.

Fede-No Ludmila can be included.

Vilu-I'm leaving then.

*Vilu walks over to the others*

Cami-So are you ok? After yesterday?

Vilu-Yeah . Leon and I talked and worked things out.

Fran-Good. Also don't worry about Lara.

Vilu-What can you guys tell me about her?

Fran-Urrrm hangs out here a lot because she is good friends with Naty and she has had a massive crush on Leon since he started dating her sister.

Vilu-Wow. Sometimes it feels like she is trying to get rid of me.

Cami-Yeah she totally is.

Fran-Cami! A little sensitivity.But she is right though. I mean Leon hasn't been single in a year and now he is, she wants him and doesn't care about anything else.

Vilu-Well that seems a bit desperate.

Cami-She is. Oh look she is here.

*Cami points to the entrance where Lara walks in and hugs Naty*

Vilu-I am not even going to let her bother me anymore.

Fran-So are you and Leon dating?

Vilu-Urrm well...

*Leon walks up to them*



Leon-Yeah why are you so surprised?

Cami-After yesterday...

Vilu-I let it go and you should too Cami.

Cami-Ok well since we have time until the first lesson, Broduey and I need to rehearse so see you guys later.

*Cami&Broduey leave*

Fran-Yeah Diego and I should too.

*Fran&Diego leave*

Maxi-I need to go ask Angie something bye.

*Maxi leaves*

Marco-I need to go talk to Naty

*Marco leaves*

Vilu-So we are dating then?

Leon-If you want.

Vilu-Ok then sure.

*They walk off*


Lara-I can't believe he is dating her!

Naty-Come on Lara. What you did at the race track wasn't right. You can't expect him to date you after that.

Lara-I thought that you were on my side!

Naty-I am but you need a better plan.

Lara-I have one.

Naty-So you are planning to be with Leon?


 Naty-You know I really don't get what the big deal is...

Lara-I need to go . See you later.

*Lara leaves and Ludmila walks over to Naty*


Ludmila-Ok something is definitely up with Angie and Violetta.

Naty-How do you know?

 Ludmila-I recorded a conversation between Pablo and Angie and Angie is trying to get close to her and Fede for some reason. I also heard her say that she was starting with Vilu because she is easier which I don't understand. But I am going to find out.

Naty-Also you dating Federico might help.

Ludmila-Oh yeah I didn't think about that.

Naty-Happy to help also Lara has some plan to get rid of Violetta and ruin her relationship with Leon.

Ludmila-Leon and Violetta are dating?


Ludmila-That's horrible!

Naty-Why? Do you like him?

Ludmila-Of course not! I mean because Lara will be in my way..

Naty-I can handle her.

Ludmila-Are you sure?

Naty-Yeah. Your sister is obviously not as smart as she thinks she is.

Ludmila-Great! You know I am such a genius for having you pretend to be my sister's friend.

Naty-Actually it was my idea...

Ludmila-Whatever just follow her around and keep her occupied.

Naty-What are you going to do with the recording?

Ludmila-I am not sure yet. I want to figure out what they are talking about first. Because they cold just be talking about the money but I am not sure. So that's why I need you to follow Angie around.

Naty-I have better things to do.

Ludmila-Like what?

Naty-Point taken....

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