A New Lesson

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Angie-Hello everyone take a seat.

Cami-Angie meet Violetta.

Maxi-And Federico.

Angie-Violetta?! Federico?!


Federico-You are starting to creep me out...

Angie-I just mean those are such..unique names...Anyway since its the beginning of the year, we want you all to have fun and we will just give you a few assignments. So your first one of the year is to perform a song that I will choose and you will perform them in our start of the year show.

Ludmila-I want to be with Leon.

Angie-I have already picked the pairs and songs. Francesca and Diego will sing "Yo Soy Asi", Camila and Broduey will sing "Te Fazer Feliz"..

Camila-No Angie! That is so unfair!

Broduey-Well I didn't know that I was so bad to work with...

Camila-I mean because it's in a different language!

Angie-Ok calm down. you two can sing "Algo suena en mi" ok?


Angie-Like I was saying, Federico and Ludmila will sing "Luz Camara Accion", Maxi and the rest of the guys will sing "The queen of the dance floor", Leon and Violetta will sing "Podemos" and Marco and Naty will sing "Entre tu y yo". Any questions?

*Nobody says anything*

Angie-Good you can all leave.

Leon-So Violetta, where should we practice?

Violetta-You could come to my house.

Leon-Great. Here is my number and you can text me your address.



Vilu-(Giggles) Cool...

*Leon walks off with Ludmila*

*Vilu stares at Leon as he stands out in the hall and Federico notices and goes over to her*

Federico-Violetta stop it.

Vilu-Stop what?

Federico-Thinking that you have a shot with him. He is like the most popular guy here and he is dating the most popular girl. What makes you think that you even have a shot with him?

Vilu-Why do you always do this to me?

Federico-Do what? Protect you?

Vilu-Bring me down and make me feel stupid. I am done Federico. I am done caring.

*Vilu walks out*

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