A New Relationship

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(At Motorcross)

*Leon is racing and Lara is watching him*

*As he finishes he walks over to her*


Lara-Hey want me to check your bike for you?

Leon-Nope it's good.

Lara-Is something wrong? Lately you spend a lot of time here.



Leon-Yeah...seeing her at the studio all the time...She really hurt me....

Lara-Leon you know that I would never do that.

Leon-I know.

Lara-I have always felt something for you Leon.


Lara-Yes and it hurts me when you are hurt.

Leon-Lara I like you too.


Leon-Yeah you are the only person who hasn't left me and that means a lot. I feel like you are the only person that I can count on.

Lara-I will always be here for you Leon.

Leon-I know and I was wondering if you wanted to be my girlfriend.

Lara-Of course!

*Lara hugs Leon*

Lara-You should get ready or you will be late for the studio.

Leon-Yeah thanks.


(In The Music Room)

Vilu-Where are you Leon?!

*Cami walks in*

Cami-What's wrong?

Vilu-Leon was meant to meet me for practice.

Cami-Maybe he forgot or wanted space. I mean you dumped him yesterday.

Vilu-I know...But I hate him hating me.

Cami-Just give him some time Vilu.

*Leon and Lara walk in*

Cami-Well I guess he doesn't need any.

Leon-Sorry for being late.

Vilu-No problem. Lara can you leave us to practice.

Lara-Actually I wanted to see my boyfriend sing.


Lara-Yeah we just got together.So I think that I will stay.

Vilu-Well Cami I will see you later.

Cami-Are you sure that you don't want me to stay?

Vilu-I am fine.

*Cami leaves*

Vilu-So lets practice.

*Leon walks over to the piano and Vilu grabs a microphone and starts singing as he plays*

No soy ave para volar

Y en un cuadro no se pintar

No soy poeta escultor

Tan solo soy lo que soy

Las estrellas no se leer

Y la luna no bajaré

No soy el cielo, ni el sol

Tan solo soy


*Leon stops playing*

Lara-That was a bit pitchy Violetta. Leon sounded better.

Leon-She sounded fine Lara.

Vilu-Plus we are rehearsing so please keep your opinions to yourself or leave.

Lara-Are you going to let her speak to me like that?

Leon-Girls please! Violetta lets just continue and Lara wait until the end to make your comments please.

*Leon starts playing again*

Pero hay cosas que si sé

Ven aquí y te mostraré

En tu ojos puedo ver

Lo puedes lograr, prueba imaginar

Podemos pintar, colores al alma

Podemos gritar, yeah!

Podemos volar, sin tener alas

Ser la letra en mi canción

Y tallarme en tu voz

Vilu-Leon I feel like we should but more emphaisis on the yeah bit.

Leon-I agree.

*Vilu's phone beeps and she looks down at it*

Leon-Something important?

Vilu-My Dad. He wants be to wait for Ramallo outside.


Vilu-I can't leave home or go anywhere without him. Also my Dad asked for a copy of my schedule so he knows exactly when I have to be home.

Leon-That's rough. My parents just stopped giving me allowance for the week.

Vilu-I wish that I got that.

Lara-Well Violetta you should go.

Vilu-Yeah bye Leon.

*Vilu walks out*

Lara-So what should we do?

Leon-Urrm wanna get a smoothie?

Lara-Sure my love

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