A New Request

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*Leon runs after Lara*

Leon-Hey are you ok?

Lara-(Wiping A Tear) Yeah...I am fine..

Leon-Hey listen forget about Ludmila. She is just a horrible person.

Lara-Thanks Leon.

Andres-Hey Leon. Naty and I have invited everyone ot watch you race tonight.

Leon-Thanks. You really didn't have to do that.

Cami-It will be fun.

Leon-Urrmm did you invite....Violetta?

Andres-She said no...

Leon-Well at least you asked her.

Lara-Well I have to go check the bikes before the races. See you later?


*Lara leaves*

Andres-Hey what are you doing with Lara? She is Ludmila's sister.

Leon-Yes but she is nothing like Ludmila.

Andres-But don't you like Violetta? So why would you date Lara?

Leon-I don't date her. We are just good friends.

Andres-I don't think someone sees it that way.

*Andres points to Vilu who is standing across the hall talking to her friends and at the moment Andres pointed, Vilu was staring at them but then put her head down*


Cami-So are you sure you don't want to come with us?

Fran-It will be fun.

Vilu-Guys I know you are trying to help but no. I don't want to see him or support him.  Excuse me.

*Vilu walks away and Leon calls her over to him*

Leon-Hey Vilu..


Leon-I was wondering if you wanted to come to my race tonight? Everyone is going.

Vilu-Everyone but me.

Leon-Come on please?

Vilu-I am not interested.

Leon-Andres could you leave us alone for a bit?


*Andres walks off*

Leon-Listen I am sorry about everything that happened but I do really like you and you are the only person that I really want there.

Vilu-Not even Lara?

Leon-Lara? Vilu she is just my friend.

Vilu-More excuses.

Leon-If you come then I will prove it to you. So will you?

Vilu-I will think about it.

*Vilu walks off*

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