A New Suspicion

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Angie-Ok well can I have a volunteer to perform their song?

Ludmila-What about Violetta? She is new and we haven't heard her sing before.

Vilu-(Thinking) How did  she know that I hate singing in public?!

Angie-Ok come up Violetta and Leon.

Fede-Urmm Angie I don't think that my sister wants to. I will.

Ludmila-No we haven't rehearsed and I know for a fact that Vilu and Leon have so they should.

*Angie sees the fear in Vilu's eyes*

Angie-Well how about Cami and Broduey?

Ludmila-What are you doing Angie?

Angie-Don't question me Ludmila. If Violetta doesn't want to then I will not make her.


Ludmila-(Thinking) Angie favours Violetta for some reason and I am going to find out why.

(1 Hour Later)

Leon-Hey do you want to go for a walk?


*They leave the story and go to the park*

Leon-So do you have stage fright?

Vilu-A little and I mean I am still new and everyone else here is so good and..

Leon-You don't have to explain but I will help you get through it.

Vilu--Thanks Leon.

*Vilu&Leon hug unaware that Ludmila&Lara are watching them*

Ludmila-I am so sick of that girl!

Lara-Me too!

Ludmila-You don't even know her!

Lara-She wants Leon so I hate her!

Ludmila-Wow you are pathetic...You and Leon are never going to happen!

Lara-He doesn't really like you though.

Ludmila-So?! We look good together and that's all that matters. Together we help boost each other's popularity.

Lara-Is that all you care about?! Popularity? You don't even are about Leon do you? Or what about being with someone that you really care about?

Ludmila-I have time for that later but I want you to stay close to him. See if he talks about her.

Lara-Ok fine.

Ludmila-Go now!

*Ludmila gives Lara and push and Lara walks over to Leon and Vilu*

Lara-Oh hey guys..

Leon-Lara! How have you been?

Lara-Good. I have been spending a lot of the time at the race track and I haven't seen you around lately.

Leon-Well since the year started, I have been focusing on the studio.

Lara-Well I understand but you should come by sometime .

Leon-I will. Oh sorry Lara, Violetta. Violetta this is Ludmila's sister Lara.

Vilu-Yeah I see the resemblance.

Lara-Yeah I don't.

Vilu-Ok then well see you around Leon. It was...nice to meet you Violetta.

*Lara walks away*

Vilu-I don't think she likes me much.

Leon-How can she not? Forget about it and come on we need to go back.

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