A New Sleepover

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*Vilu,Fran,Cami walks into Vilu's house*

Fran-This is your house?!

Cami-It makes my house look like a dump.

Vilu-I kinda thought that it was a bit small compared to my old one. Also the garden isn't as nice and the staircase is a bit too wide for my liking

*Fran and Cami stare at Violetta*


Cami-You just defined rich people problems.

*They all laugh*

German-Oh are these your little friends Violetta?

Vilu-Dad we are 16!


*German looks at Cami*

German-Nice to meet you Francesca. I hear that you were Violetta's first friend.

Cami-I am Camila.

German-Oh right...Well then..

Vilu-See you later Dad.

*Vilu,Fran and Cami go into Vilu's room and start to chat*

*Suddenly Ludmila walks in*

Vilu-What is it now Ludmila? Just because you date my brother, it doesn't mean that you can just walk into my room when you want!

Ludmila-Actually Federico said that I could join your party.

Vilu-You are not staying.

Federico-Violetta I will talk to Angie if your let Ludmila stay.


*Federico leaves*

Ludmila-Lets play truth or dare.

Vilu-Ok, I will go first. I pick truth.

Ludmila-Typical but anyway. Tell us how you really feel about Leon.

*Ludmila secretly takes out her mobile and records Vilu*

Vilu-The truth is that, I am still in love with him and I regret ending our relationship. I hated seeing him with Lara and I think that he wrote those lyrics for me.

Cami-I knew it!

*Ludmila grins as she ends and saves the recording*

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