A New Step

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(The Next Day)


*Leon opens the door and it's Violetta and she walks inside*



*Vilu walks inside the dining room and sees food on the tables and lit candles*

Vilu-What's all this?

Leon-I know that you loved chicken so I made some.

Vilu-You never told me that you could cook.

Leon-There is a lot that you don't know about me.

*Leons winks at Violetta*

*They sit at the table and start eating*

*After dinner, they sit on the couch and start to watch tv*

*Vilu looks at her phone*

Vilu-Wow it's 10pm and my Dad is asking if I am sleeping at Fran's house or I have to come home now. Urrgh it's so late and I have to take the bus!

Leon-You can spend the night here if you want.

Vilu-(Nervously) I should go.

Leon-Vilu, I don't know what people have been saying but I am not trying to pressure you or anything.

Vilu-I know it's just...

Leon-I understand. Anyway the buses will be filled with drunks this time of night.

Vilu-Yeah. I will text my Dad.

Leon-You don't think that I would do anything like that do you?

Vilu-No it's just...I haven't dated before and I guess that I didn't know what was going to happen since you didn't tell me anything.

Leon-Right. Well you can sleep in the guest room if you want.

Vilu-No I would rather sleep next to you.

Leon-Vilu you don't have to..

Vilu-I know.

*Vilu holds Leon's hand*

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