A New Clue

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(In Teacher's Lounge)


*Angie opens the door and it's Naty*

Angie-Hi Naty how can I help you?

Naty-Can you listen to my new arrangement for my song that I have to perform?

Angie-Sure but don't you have to rehearse with a partner?

Naty-Yes but I can't find him so can you just listen to me?


*Angie walks out with Naty and Ludmila sneaks in*

Ludmila-Ok need clues, need clues.

*Ludmila goes through Angie's purse and finds some reciepts and her phone*

Ludmila-Wait a ticket from Madrid? Wasn't Violetta and Federico just living in Madrid? And she has made a lot of calls to their Dad. That is so weird.

*Ludmila hears footsteps and she hides under the table*

Angie-That was very good Naty and I enjoyed it a lot.

Naty-Thanks Angie. It means a lot. 

*Ludmila accidentally sneezes and Angie and Naty both hear*

Angie-Who was that?

Naty-Urrm we should go to class!

*Naty drags Angie out of the room*

Ludmila-I have to find out why Angie is so interested in Violetta and Federico.

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