A New Announcement

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Pablo-Ok so that is all that I have to say. Now I understand that Violetta and Federico have something that they want to say.

*Vilu nods at Pablo and then Vilu and Federico walk into the stage*

Vilu-Thanks Pablo. Now I am sure that most of you know that Fede and I are moving back to Madrid soon...And I..We just wanted to say thanks for welcoming us and making us feel at home. I am really sad to leave you guys and miss the show.

Federico-Yeah me too.

Vilu-So that is it.

Pablo-A very nice speech.Meeting over.

*Vilu and Federico walk off the stage*

Cami-That was really sweet guys.

Vilu-Thanks. I just said what I was thinking. I still can't believe it.

*Leon gives her a hug*

Federico-Vilu we should go and start packing.

Fran-Wait are you guys leaving now?!

Vilu-No but Dad wants us to start packing so we will be able to leave quickly.

Cami-Can we help?

Vilu-Sure guys

Maxi-But you are coming back right?

Vilu-Of course Maxi. See you guys later.

*Vilu,Federico,Cami&Fran leave*

Ludmila-Wait was that Federico? I need to..

Maxi-Save it. Just stay away from him.

Ludmila-Maxi I..

Maxi-He is going through a tough time and he doesn't need to you to complicate things

*Ludmila storms out*

Naty-Are you ok?

Maxi-I thought that you would be asking Ludmila that question.

Naty-I only ask people that I care about.

*Maxi smiles*

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