A New Feeling

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(A Week Later)

*Ramallo and Vilu walk into the studio*

Vilu-How much longer do I have to have a chaperone?

Ramallo-I am not sure my dear but I will try and convince your Dad.

Vilu-I mean I am not even with Leon anymore and I am unhappy. What else does he want?

Ramallo-I know that it is unfair but have a good day Vilu.

Vilu-Bye Ramallo.

*Ramallo leaves and Vilu checks her class timetable*

*Tomas then walks up to her*

Tomas-Violetta! Hey!

Vilu-Hey Tomas!

*They hug*

Tomas-Is your Dad still making you have a chaperone?

Vilu-Yep he is so annoying.

Tomas-So I was wondering if you wanted to do something after rehearsal today?

Vilu-Sure like what?

Tomas-I don't know maybe go to a movie or something?

Vilu-You mean like a date?


Vilu-Tomas I-I-I...

Tomas-I get it. We are friends and you are not over Leon yet...


Tomas-Do you know when you will be?

Vilu-Tomas.....I-I don't know.

Tomas-Well can we go as friends?


Tomas-Oh sorry I forgot about your Dad.

Vilu-I will just tell Dad that rehearsal ran  a bit late.

Tomas-Ok then see you later.

*Tomas kisses Vilu on the cheek and walks off and all the others run to her*

Cami-What is going on with you and Tomas?


Fran-He kissed you! That is not nothing!

Vilu-On the cheek and we are not dating. We are going to the movies later.

Cami-That sounds like a date to me...

Vilu-Cami stop! We are just going as friends.

Leon-Well have a good time...

*Leon walks off*

Vilu-What is wrong with him?

Fran-Vilu you broke up with him because you didn't want to bring him into your family drama but then you go on a date with another guy? He probably thinks that was just an excuse to date someone else.

Vilu-But it wasn't....

Cami-I know but you have to talk to him.

Vilu-I will. Thanks guys.

*Vilu walks off and Tomas walks over to them all*

Tomas-Hey guys. Did Violetta say anything about me?


Cami-Talk about desperate much...

Fran-She means that you seem to really like her after a week.

Tomas-What can I say? I am crazy about her. She is just amazing and I have feelings for her but she doesn't feel the same way.

Fran-How do you know? Somebody tell you?

Tomas-She did. She said that she still loves Leon but he isn't interested in her so that is where I come in.

Cami-Leon still loves her Tomas.

Tomas-Well maybe after today she won't like him back.

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