A New Audition

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(The Next Day)

Antonio-Ok everyone. As you may know, today are the auditions for the show. So please go wait outside with your partners until we call you in.

*Everyone goes outside*

Cami-Good luck Vilu.

Vilu-Thanks girls. I am nervous.

Fran-You will do great. So Cami,do we sing and then they give us roles?

Cami-Pretty much...I think. They didn't explain it very well.

Vilu-Oh Cami it's your turn.

Cami-Wish my luck guys.

*Cami and Broduey go inside*

Leon-Are you ready Violetta?

Vilu-Yeah I think so but I am nervous since I haven't ever audition like this before.

Leon-You will do great.

*Leon hugs Vilu and Lara walks over to them and interrupts*

Lara-Well what is going on here?

*Vilu and Leon pull away*

Leon-I was just..urrm comforting her.

Lara-Oh are you nervous Violetta?


Lara-Because that would be embarrassing if you messed up the audition not only for you but for Leon too.

Leon-Lara she won't mess up.

Vilu-No I won't

*Cami and Broduey come out*

Angie-Would Violetta and Leon like to come in?

Fran-You will do great Vilu.


*Fran gives Vilu a quick hug and a smile*

Lara-Good luck my love!

*Lara gives Leon a big kiss and Leon and Violetta go inside*

Ludmila-Lara a word please?


Ludmila-Why did you kiss him?

Lara-Leon and I are together.

Ludmila-Does he know that?

Lara-Not funny Ludmila. He actually asked me to be with him.

Ludmila-You have to ruin everything!

Lara-Whatever! Just leave me alone.


Pablo-Ok are you both ready?


Pablo-Ok you may begin.

*Leon starts to play the piano while Vilu sings with him*

 No soy ave para volar

Y en un cuadro no se pintar

No soy poeta escultor

Tan solo soy lo que soy

Las estrellas no se leer

Y la luna no bajaré

No soy el cielo, ni el sol

Tan solo soy

Pero hay cosas que si sé

Ven aquí y te mostraré

En tu ojos puedo ver

Lo puedes lograr, prueba imaginar

Podemos pintar, colores al alma

Podemos gritar, yeah!

Podemos volar, sin tener alas

Ser la letra en mi canción

Y tallarme en tu voz

*Pablo,Angie,Gregorio and Beto all clap*

Pablo-That was really great you two! Well done.

*Vilu&Leon go outside*

Fran-How was it?

Leon-Violetta did really well.


Lara-Oh Leon! How was it?


Lara-Lets go get a smoothie!

*Lara drags Leon away*

Fran-I know it must be hard but forget about Lara.


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