A New Song

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Antonio-Ok that was very good but when you sing the chorus I need you to put more effort into it.

Pablo-Yes it you have to act as if you are in love.

Gregorio-We should just replace them.

Pablo-No they are fine. Start again.

*Vilu and Leon start singing "Podemos" while doing a dance routine*

Pablo-That was very good you two now you can take a break*

Leon-Good work.


*Vilu picks up her bag and walks into the music room*

*Leon follows her*

Leon-I am sorry.

Vilu-For following me?


Vilu-Forget about it. Now I kinda have something to do.

Leon-What are you working on?

Vilu-A song.

Leon-Can you play it to me?


(Song in media)

Right now everything is so right,

Right now we are so alive,

Happy when you are next to me,

Right where you are meant to be.

Feel fate falling into place,

Now I can stare forever at your face,

Right now there is a night sky full of stars,

Waiting for us!

I know that love has a master plan.

Leon-That is a great song.


Leon-Did you write it about anyone?

Vilu-No why?

Leon-Just wondering well see you later

*Leon leaves and sees Lara*

Leon-Lara wait please.I can explain

Lara-No let me talk first. For as long as I can remember, I have liked you Leon and do you know how it felt when you asked me to be your girlfriend? I was so happy but I was just a way for you to get over Violetta. You used me and I can't forgive you for that.


Lara-Lets just go back to me being your mechanic and nothing more.

Leon-Not even friends?

Lara-Maybe one day but not now.

*Lara walks off and Andres walks over to Leon*

Andres-What happened with you and Lara?

Leon-She broke up with me.


Leon-Thanks for the sympathy, friend...

Andres-I meant because now you can be with Violetta.

Leon-She doesn't want me back, she wants Tomas.


Leon-Just drop it Andres.

*Leon walks off*



Andres-Do you like Tomas?

Vilu-Yeah he's great.

Andres-I mean romantically.

Vilu-No we are just friends.

Andres-So you can be with Leon.

Vilu-Leon doesn't want me back. Even if he did, he has Lara.

Andres-She broke up with him.

Vilu-It doesn't matter. Leon and I are over for good and there is nothing that you can do about it Andres so drop it.

*Vilu walks off*

A New World (A Violetta Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now