A New Search

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Olga-What do you mean?

German-She isn't here.

Ramallo-Should we call the police?

German-You have to wait 24 hours so we should just call people and see if they have seen her.

Olga-Oh my poor darling!

Ramallo-Ok I will start calling people.

*Ramallo goes downstairs into the office*

German-I just hope that she is ok...

Olga-Mr German should I make some tea?

German-No I am going to the studio.

*German leaves*


Leon-Don't you think that your Dad is going to notice?

Vilu-I don't care anymore. Now stop worrying.



*German walks into the studio and goes straight in the main hall while Antonio is speaking*

Antonio-So everyone can....German! What a surprise.

German-Do you know where Violetta is? 

Antonio-No I was wondering where she and Leon were.

German-Leon is missing too?


German-Sorry who are you?

Fran-Violetta's friend Francesca. She left , Leon followed her and they didn't come back.

Antonio-We will call if anyone sees her.

German-Ok thanks.

Antonio-Everyone , the meeting is over so we can search for Violetta and Leon.

*Angie manages to sneak out into the staff room with German seeing her and Pablo follows her*



Pablo-You can't hide from him!

Angie-Watch me. He can't find out that I work here or he will take them away.

Pablo-How do you know that Violetta hasn't already told German about you?

Angie-I don't. That is why I have to tell them both the truth.



*Angie walks out and sees Federico talking to Ludmila and she walks over to him*

Angie-Federico can we talk alone?

Fede-No. I know what your game is and I want you to leave me alone.


Fede-Lets go Ludmila.

*Federico walks off with Ludmila and Pablo walks over to her*

Pablo-Are you ok?

Angie-He didn't want to talk to me.

Pablo-What are you going to do?

Angie-Find Violetta and clear up this mess.

*Angie walks out*


Vilu-Hey you know I should get back before my Dad notices that I am gone.

Leon-Well we are not far away. Wait is that the police at your house?

Vilu-Omg do you think that it is about me?

Leon-We really need to get you home.

Vilu-No no!


Vilu-I could be in big trouble!

Leon-So are you going to run away?

Vilu-No just....I have no idea but I can't go back now!

Leon-This is serious!

Vilu-Ok fine.

*They begin walking to her house and they over hear a conversation between German and a Policeman*

Policeman-So we will have all our available officers on the case for you Mr Castillo.

German-Thank you I just wish that the person responsible will pay.

Policeman-Oh they will. We should find your daughter in no time.

German-That is great.



A New World (A Violetta Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now