A New Mission

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Naty-Hey Ludmila can we talk?

Ludmila-Yes but make it quick.

Naty-I was wondering what you are going to do.

Ludmila-About what?

Naty-Leon. He PUBLICLY dumped you and remember that you said we both have to have boyfriends to be popular and you don't have one anymore.

Ludmila-I am working on it. I just have to choose someone.

Naty-Well it will have to be someone new because everyone hates you....sorry......

Ludmila-Urrm what about Federico?

Naty-Yeah I guess he is cute.

Ludmila-What did I tell you?

Naty-No thinking other guys but Andres are cute, I know but...

Ludmila-No buts! However your idea was a good one. I will date Federico.

Naty-But he hangs out with Maxi and Maxi hates you. Oh Maxi....sorry...

Ludmila-Honestly! Anyway I can handle Maxi and Federico will be mine.

Naty-So you are just going to use him? That doesn't seem right.

Ludmila-You are one to talk! 

Naty-It was your idea!

Ludmila-And people are talking about you more because of it now stop sulking.

*Ludmila walks off and Andres sees Naty looking upstairs and walks over to her*

Andres-What is wrong my love?

Naty-Just having a hard day.

*Andres hugs Naty and she sees Maxi over he shoulder and smiles as he smiles back*

A New World (A Violetta Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now