A New Heartbreak

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*Vilu walks in and Ludmila who is close to tears turns around, hiding her face*

Vilu-I know what you did Ludmila and I think that you are a horrible person. I mean you have just decided that you didn't like me without breaking really knowing me and ever since you have been trying to destroy me with some stupid mission of yours but it's so pathetic. I try to be nice to you but you are despicable.

*Ludmila starts to cry and Vilu starts to feel bad*

Vilu-Ludmila don't cry, I-I didn't mean it.

Ludmila-(Crys) No you are right, I am despicable...

Vilu-That was an exaggeration.

Ludmila-(Crys) No it wasn't. I just broke up with Federico for no reason.


Ludmila-I need to find him.

*Ludmila rushes out and runs into the hall and finds Federico talking to Naty who appears to be showing him something on her phone*

Ludmila-Federico, can we talk alone?


*Naty smirks and walks off*

Ludmila-Federico I...

Federico-Have 2 minutes to explain.

Ludmila-I shouldn't have broken up with you like that....

Federico-Do you seriously think that I am talking about that?! I know EVERYTHING that you did to me Ludmila! How you used me!

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