A New Crush

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(At The Park)

Andres-So how are you holding up?

Leon-What do you mean?

Andres-After your break up.

Leon-I don't care about that. I have a new problem.

Andres-What is it?

Leon-Violetta. I think I like her but she doesn't like me back.

Andres-How do you know?

Leon-She is just super friendly so obviously she just thinks I am doing the same.

Andres-Well sorry man but I was going to tell you that I have a problem.

Leon-What is it?

Andres-I am in love with Naty.

Leon-I already knew this. So?

Andres-I don't think that she loves me back.

Leon-I thought she told you that she did.

Andres-Yes but if I hug or kiss her now she just looks at me like I am her friend , not like I am the guy she is in love with.

Leon-I bet it's nothing. Come on we need to get back to the studio.


Fran-Vilu wait!

*Vilu walks over to Fran*


Fran-I am sorry about what I said about Leon.

Vilu-It's ok.

Fran-Listen Leon used to be a jerk when he was with Ludmila but he seems nicer with you.


Fran-So I have decided to give him a chance, for you.

Vilu-Thanks Fran.

*Vilu hugs Fran,leaves and then walks over to Leon who is talking to Andres*

Vilu-Hey Leon can I talk to you?


*Andres walks away*

Vilu-I need to ask you something and I want an honest answer.

Leon-What is it?

Vilu-Well my friends say that you used to be a jerk and I wanted to know if that's true?

Leon-Well I wasn't nice ok? It was being around Ludmila all the time and I guess she just rubbed off on me and also she told me to be like that so it wasn't all my fault.

Vilu-Just take responsibility for your own actions Leon.

Leon-You are right. I chose to act like that because Ludmila convinced me that we were better then then other so I believed her and I realise now that I was wrong to. So is our friendship over?

Violetta-No but..

Federico-Vilu! Dad wants us home right now!

Violetta-But school isn't over!

Federico-I already spoke to Pablo and he let us leave.


Leon-We can talk later Violetta.

*Federico and Violetta walk out*

Federico-So what was going on there?

Violetta-Just two friends talking.

Federico-Whatever you say..

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