A New School

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*Ramallo walks Federico and Violetta into the studio*

*Fede&Vilu look around and are amazed when they see people dancing and singing*

Ramallo-Wow! Well I hope that you two have a good time! Bye Fede. Bye Vilu.

*Ramallo kisses Vilu on the head and leaves*

Vilu-So what should we...

*Before Vilu can finish her sentence, Fede walks off*

Vilu-(Talking to herself)Typical, typical. I mean we are twins and he thinks it's ok to abandon me like this I mean...

*Vilu bumps into a guy and apologises*

Vilu-I am so sorry

Leon-Don't worry it's fine. Are you new?

Vilu-Yes. I am Violetta.

Leon-A pretty name for a pretty girl.*Vilu blushes* I am Leon.

*Ludmila sees them talking and walks up to them*

Ludmila-And I am Ludmila. His GIRLFRIEND. Who are you?

Vilu-I am new. My name is Violetta.

*Vilu puts out her hand for Ludmila to shake it but Ludmila ignores it*

Ludmila-Lion we need to go to class.

Leon-Ok one minute.

Ludmila-Whatever. Ludmila is out!

*Ludmila walks away*

*Fede sees Vilu&Leon talking and he walks over and grabs Vilu's arm*

Vilu-Ow! What are you doing?

Fede-It's our first day and instead of finding your way around you are flirting?

Vilu-Shut up and leave me alone!

Leon-Is this your boyfriend?



Vilu-He is my twin brother.

Leon-Oh now I see it.

Fede-Now please un see it. Violetta we are going.

Vilu-See you later Leon.

*Vilu and Fede walk off arguing*

*Leon laughs and then goes into the hall where Antonio is speaking*

Antonio-And please welcome the two new students, twins Federico and Violetta!

*Everyone claps and Vilu&Fede go to the front*

Antonio-Ok so you have 10 minutes until classes start. Meeting over.

Vilu-You know you are so out of line? You just embarrass me all the time!

Fede-Well maybe if you didn't do stupid things then I wouldn't have to save you and embarrass you!

Vilu-Oh I am...

Camila-Hi. Did we interrupt?

Vilu-No Federico was just leaving.

Federico-No I wasn't.

Cami-Anyway we just wanted to welcome you both to the studio and Fran and I were wondering if Vilu wanted to hang out with us?

Maxi-And I was wondering if Fede wanted to hang out with me?


*They all leave in thier groups*

Hey please comment because I really want to know what people think of this story.


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