A New Nearly Revealed Secret& Decision

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*Vilu is walking by the park and sits on a bench to cry*

*Angie is walking by the park and notices Vilu crying and she walks next to her*

Angie-Violetta! What is wrong?

Violetta-(Wiping Her Tears) Why do you care?

Angie-Because I am your...teacher and I care about you.

Violetta-You don't even know me.

Angie-That doesn't matter.

Violetta-Yeah it does. Did Gregorio tell you to be nice to me too?


Violetta-I can't believe this! Even the TEACHERS! 

Angie-Listen Violetta, if you don't want to talk to me then I have to take you back to the studio.

Violetta-No! I thought that you said you cared!

Angie-I do.

Violetta-Then don't take me back there!

Angie-I am sorry. But please tell me what's wrong.

*Angie puts her arm around Vilu , gives her a quick hug and then they start to walk back to the studio while Vilu explains everything*

(10 Minutes Later)

(Vilu and Angie enter the studio)

*Vilu sees the others all talking with worried looks on their faces and Vilu looks scared*

Vilu-I can't do this Angie.

Angie-You have to tell them how you feel. You can do it.

*Angie hugs Vilu and Angie then goes into the teacher's room*

*Then the guys walk up to her and Federico goes to stand right next to her*

Fede-Are you ok? They wouldn't let me leave.

Vilu-It's ok.

Cami-I shouldn't  have told you like that, sorry.

Vilu-No I am glad you did.

Leon-Vilu please...

Vilu-No Leon, I have something important to say.

Fran-What is it?

Vilu-Since Fede was the only one who was really accepted, it's not fair that I keep studying here.


Fede-Vilu you love it here.

Vilu-I did when I thought that I had friends but now I don't , I don't love it anymore. You know, I have been home-schooled my whole life so I never really had friends so for you to pretend, it really hurt me.


Vilu-And you Leon, pretending that you were actually interested in me hurt the most. So I am not going to attend anymore.

Ludmila-But wait.


Ludmila-Your Dad said that he would only fund the studio if you attended so if you leave then....

Vilu-I know.

*Angie comes out of the teacher's room and stand next to Vilu and listens*

Maxi-So will you stay then?


All-What? Vilu please.

Vilu-Only my FRIENDS call me Vilu.

Andres-Come on Violetta, you are ruining a lot of lives here. It's completely your decision.

Vilu-I know and it's your punishment for treating me so badly. Thanks Angie for making me realise what I felt.

*Vilu walks out and everyone stares angrily at Angie*

Angie-Guys I.....

Diego-You told her to leave?!

Angie-No I just told her that if she confronted you and she told you how she felt, that she would feel better.

Cami-Well look how that turned out!

Ludmila-The studio is going to shut down because that girl is so sensitive! I mean seriously?!

 Fran-Fede please talk to her.

Fede-Guys I am sorry. My sister is nice pretty much all the time but when she is angry she is pretty unpredictable.

*Everyone but Fede leave upset*

Fede-It's not your fault Angie. Vilu can be a big...extra sometimes but I am sure she won't do anything.

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