A New "Date"

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(In The Cinema)

Vilu-Thanks for buying the snacks, you really didn't have to do that.

Tomas-I wanted to. Lets go take our seats.

*Tomas and Violetta take their seats and talk as the adverts show*

Tomas-So what made you move here? Are you an exchange student too?

Vilu-No I actually moved here and then joined.

Tomas-That's cool.


Lara-Is that Violetta with some guy other there?

Leon-Yeah. Lets just sit at the back.

Lara-But I wanna sit over...

Leon-This is the perfect spot.

Lara-OK fine sure.

*They sit a few rows behind Tomas and Violetta but they can still hear their conversation*

Lara-Oh the film is starting.


Lara-Excuse me?

Leon-I meant because I wanna hear the uurmm..film.

Lara-Ok then...

*Tomas and Vilu laugh and Leon stares at them*

Lara-What's wrong? You haven't been looking at the film.

Leon-I am fine.

Lara-Why do you keep looking at Violetta? Did you know that she would be here?


Lara-I am out of here Leon.


Lara-Leave me alone!

Vilu-Leon? What are you doing here?

Tomas-Is your ex seriously following you?

Leon-I wasn't.

Lara-I am going

*Lara leaves*

Vilu-Leon there is hardly anyone in here so you are seriously telling me that you didn't follow us?


Vilu-Lets go Tomas.

*Vilu and Tomas leave*

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