A New Life

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(Castillo's House)

German-This is our new room kids. Do you like it?

Violetta-Yeah it's great.

Federico-Where is my room?

German-Listen Fede, I know that you are upset about us having to move and I know that it was a bit surprising...

Federico-I am not surprised because you always do this, you act like what I want isn't important and I ask again where is my room?

German-Upstairs 2nd door on the right.

Federcio-Thank you.

*Federico goes up to his room and shuts the door*

Olga-Violetta! Oh my darling!

*Olga runs to Violetta and gives her a huge hug*

Olga-Oh my goodness! You are so beautiful! You look like your mother!

Violetta-I do? Tell me about her!

*German shakes his head at Olga and Olga quickly changes the subject*

Olga-I prepared chocolate fudge cake!

Violetta-Oh Olga! That's my favourite!

Olga-I know! Also I prepared oatmeal cookies for your brother. Speaking of your brother where is he?

German-In his room sulking.

Violetta-Dad do you mind if I go see my room?

German-Not at all and remember to tell me if there is anything else that you would like in your room.

*Violetta goes upstairs and knocks on Fede's door*

Federico-Leave me alone!

Violetta-It's me!


*Vilu goes in and closes the door behind her*

Vilu-Fede what's wrong?

Fede-I am tired of Dad treating us like suitcases! I was happy in Spain and he moves us.

Vilu-I know Fede but Dad knows what's best for us.

Fede-You would obviously say that..Daddy's girls..

Vilu-I don't even know why I tried to talk to you!

Fede-Just get out Violetta! Sometimes I wish that I was an only child!

*Violetta runs into her room and shuts the door*

Hey guys I hope that you have enjoyed the first chapter! I will update my other stories then I will post chapter 2.

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