A New Shock

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*Vilu gets home and she sees Leon sitting on her couch*


Vilu-What are you doing in my house?! Get out! If my Dad sees you...

German-Hello Violetta.

Vilu-What's going on here?

German-Leon and his parents have joined us for dinner.


German-I thought that you would be happy since you and Leon are good friends.

Vilu-Actually you couldn't be more wrong Dad. I will be in my room until dinner is ready.

German-Actually I need you down here.


German-Since Federico refused to entertain Leon and because you came home late then you have to.


German-I am not arguing. Anyway where were you?

Vilu-Talking to a teacher at my school, Angie.

German-Angie? What does she look like?

Vilu-This is getting freaky. Dad why don't you go in the kitchen and leave Leon and I alone.

German-Ok I will leave you two alone.

*German leaves*


Vilu-No I talk first. I am done giving you chances. I thought that I liked you but you keep disappointing me and I am sick of it.

Leon-I didn't know she would kiss me. I really like you Violetta and I wish that you would just listen to my side of things.

Vilu-Lara told me everything.

Leon-What did she say?

Vilu-That you were using me to keep the studio open.

Leon-Why would she do that?

Vilu-So do you think I am lying?

Leon-No but it doesn't sound like her.

Vilu-Leon I like you but...

Leon-I feel nothing for Lara. Please just give me a chance.

*Vilu starts to walk off but Leon grabs her shoulder making her look at him*

*Leon leans into kiss her but then Federico interrupts*

Fede-What are you doing to my sister?!

Vilu-Fede it's ok calm down.

Fede-Listen Leon, you need to stop messing with my sister's feelings.

Leon-Federico please stay out of this.

*Federico pushes Leon*

Fede-Or what?

Vilu-Stop! Fede please just relax. Can we at least get through tonight?

Fede-Fine whatever.


Vilu-Who is that?

Fede-My guest.

*Federico opens the door and it's Ludmila and she gives Fede a big hug*

Vilu-You invited her?!

Ludmila-Yes Vilu and I hope that we can sort out our differences since I am dating your brother.

German-Everyone come for dinner.

*They all sit at the table*

German-So Ludmila, you are dating my son?

Ludmila-Yes it is very recent though.

German-Fede you never told me.

Fede-I didn't realise that I had to tell you everything.

Mrs Vargas-So Violetta, my Leon has not stopped talking about you. Are you two dating?


German-No they are not.

Vilu-Dad! You can't speak for me.

German-You are not dating Leon.

Vilu-Why not?

German-Because I said so and that's the end of the matter.

*Vilu doesn't say anything for the rest of the night*

(30 Minutes Later)

Leon-Well that was...fun?

Vilu-Sorry about my dad.

Leon-Will I see you tomorrow?


*Leon&his parents leave*

Ludmila-I should probably get going.

Fede-See you tomorrow.

*Ludmila leaves*

Vilu-What was that about Dad?

German-What do you mean?

Vilu-So Fede can date Ludmila but I can't date Leon?

German-Pretty much yes.

Vilu-Why not?

German-Because he is Fede and you are ..

Vilu-A girl? I can't believe you!

*Vilu goes into her room and locks the door*

Fede-You handled that wrong.

German-Don't tell me how to look after my daughter Federico. You are just a child.

*Federico goes to his room*

Olga-Bad move Mr German.

Ramallo-Yes I agree with Olga.

Jade-I think he handled that well.

German-Thanks Jade.

A New World (A Violetta Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now