A New Threat

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*Vilu races to the house and when she gets there she finds Jade in the kitchen she sees Jade sitting down, sipping green tea with a smirk on her face*

Jade-Oh Vilu! Would you like Olga to prepare you some green tea?

Vilu-Cut the act Jade. I know that you want something from me so what is it?

Jade-Close the doors.

*Vilu does what Jade says and sits down next to her*

Jade-It's very simple. I want you to talk me up to your father and tell  him that you approve of the relationship. I also want you to be publicly pleasant to me.

Vilu-Are you joking? I won't do that!

Jade-Yes you will. Because you are the obvious favourite, German will listen to you even if Federico says bad things about me.

Vilu-I won't do that.

Jade-Well I guess you don't want your Dad knowing that you sneak off to kiss boys.

Vilu-My Dad will easily believe me over you. Like you said, I am the favourite in the house not you.

Jade-Not if he sees the evidence.

*Jade pulls out her phone and there is a picture of Leon and Vilu on it*

Vilu-Ok what do you really want?

Jade-What I said and your Dad's money but this is step one.

Vilu-You know what? My Dad deserves someone to love him and if you don't do that then I won't help you.

Jade-Oh dear, I am not just going to take the money and go. I have a plan. I will make your Dad happy for about a couple months?  Also you do realise that if your Dad finds out that he will stop you attending that stupid music school right?  So do we have a deal?


Jade-Great now at dinner I expect you to be pleasant.

*Jade walks out*

A New World (A Violetta Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now