A New Change Of Heart (Last Chapter)

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*Violetta starts to silently cry and Federico puts her head on his shoulder and hugs her*

Federico-It will be ok Vilu.


Federico-As long as we have each other.

Violetta-Yeah I guess.

German-Violetta are you crying?


*Violetta drops her mother's diary on the floor and a CD comes out with the words "German" on them*

Federico-Dad it's for you.

*Federico hands the CD to German and he puts it in the player*

Maria's Voice-German. As you already know, my condition isn't getting any better. I am scared for us, for you. If something happens to me and you have to raise the kids alone, promise me that you will always be there for the twins and always make them happy. Oh I wish that I could grow up to hear them sing. I know that they at 5 have pretty strong voices for their ages but I want to see them succeed. If my Violetta wants to be a singer, support her German. If Federico wants to have a career in music, let him. Don't hold them back, push them. Those kids mean the world to me and it would break my heart if they were unhappy. I love you German and if I don't make it, please take care of my children.

*The CD stops and German sits there shocked*

German-Stop the car


German-Stop the car! I can't do this to the twins, to Maria. We are going to the show

Violetta-Are you serious?! Dad THANK YOU!

*They turn the car around and drive to the theatre*


*Ludmila and Leon are sitting on the couch staring into space*

Maxi-Come on guys. I miss them too but we have to perform and mope later

Ludmila-He wanted to try again. He wanted me back and he left me..

Naty-I am sorry Ludmila.

Ludmila-So you are talking to me now?

Naty-Yeah. You have changed and what happened with Federico was really unfair.

Leon-She left Andres. She really left me and I feel like my heart is breaking. I can't perform like this..

Andres-She would want you to. Anyway you can video chat when she arrives.

Leon-Don't you get it? She said that her dad took away her laptop.

Andres-Come on! Cheer up! We are about to perform in front of a huge audience! Aren't you excited?

Violetta& Federico-We sure are.

Cami-You're back! OMG!

*Everyone rushes to hug them*

Violetta-Yep we are back. For good. All thanks to Angie. How did you find that CD?

Angie-I always had it and I thought that it would help change his mind.

Federico-We can't thank you enough for this Angie. If it wasn't for you then we would be on a plane half way across the world by now. We can't thank you enough.

Angie-There is no need. Family stick together.

German-They do and I am sorry for everything that ai have put you through. Maria would be ashamed of me.

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