A New Lie

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(The Next Day At The Studio)

*Ludmila is walking through the hall and purposely walks into Federico and drops her music sheets*

Ludmila-Oh my gosh I am so sorry!

*Ludmila goes down to pick them up and Federico helps*

*While he is picking up sheets,Federico's hand touches Ludmila and he smiles at her while she smiles back*

Ludmila-Thanks so much. We haven't really talked before sorry about that.

Federico-No it's fine. I have heard that you are too busy being a "supernova" or something.

Ludmila-That is just a front. I have had friends like the others before and they just let me down so I just act like I think I am superior so I don't have to get close to them.

Federico-Really? Well the guys aren't like that. You should hang out with us sometime.

Ludmila-You don't have to do that and anyway, Naty wouldn't like that.

Federico-What do you mean?

Ludmila-I only hang out with her because my Dad works for her's and she is alway threatening my Dad's job.


Ludmila-I have said too much already.

*Ludmila walks out and purposely drops a piece of paper with her number on it and Federico picks it up*

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