A New Amicable Break Up

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*Vilu,Fran,Cami&Federico walk inside*

Vilu-Dad we are home!

German-Great..and you brought friends.

Fran-We want to help.

German-Thanks but your help isn't needed. I kinda want Violetta to spend some time apart from her friends so it won't be so hard on her when she leaves.

Fran-We understand.

Cami-We do?

Fran-Yes we do. Bye Violetta.

*Cami and Fran leave.*

Vilu-You are unbelievable! First you are moving me and now you are taking me away from my friends.

German-Calm down Violetta and go pack. Jade will help you.

Vilu-I don't...

Jade-Yeah I will help.

*Jade and Vilu go up to her room and close the door*

Jade-Stop arguing with your father. The move to Spain has to go smoothly and you are standing in the way of that.

Vilu-What are you going to do? Tell Dad about Leon? I am leaving so that relationship will have to come to and end anyway.

Jade-Don't get smart with me or I will make your life he'll understand?

Vilu-Empty threats again? It's so pathetic Jade.

Just get out of my room before I make you. Ok?

Jade-Think about what I said.

*Jade leaves the room and Violetta begins to pack*

(1 Hour Later )

(In The Kitchen)

*Vilu is getting a drink while talking to Olga and Leon walks in*


Olga-Oh Leon! What are you doing here?

Leon-To talk to my girlfriend. Is that ok?

Vilu-Is it Olga?

Olga-Sure just don't tell Mr German.

Vilu-Alone Olga.

Olga-Alone? Of course.

*Olga walks out and sees Ramallo *

Ramallo-I hear voices. Who are they?

Olga-Violetta and Leon.

Ramallo-Olga you know what German will say.

Olga-They deserve to say goodbye. Let's listen in!

Ramallo-That's wrong! Fine maybe just a little.

*They go to the door and listen*

Violetta-Sorry about her.

Leon-It's fine. Are you ok? You didn't pick up when I called.

Violetta-Sorry. I was packing and it must have been beneath a pile of clothes or something.

Leon-It's fine

Violetta-I think that we should talk .

Leon-About what? Us?

Violetta-Yeah. I and moving across the world Leon. Us just seems too difficult.

Leon-I know. So are we breaking up?

Violetta-I guess so but we can still talk right? It's not awkward?

Leon-No but I am still upset that you have to leave.

Violetta-Me too.

Leon-If you told me that we were breaking up today then Just would've asked for another one of your kisses.

*Vilu kisses Leon and hugs  him*

Violetta-Goodbye Leon.

Leon-Goodbye Violetta.

*Leon walks out*

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