A New Wickedness

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*Vilu wakes up in Leon's arms and smiles at him*

Leon-(Speaks with eyes closed) The staring is a bit creepy

Vilu-(Laughs) Sorry.

*She sits up and looks at her phone with a disappointed look on her face*

Leon-What is it?

Vilu-I have 10 missed calls from my Dad and about 30 texts. He wants me home now.

Leon-Can't you stay a bit longer?

Vilu-I would love to but you know how my Dad is and what if he called Fran's house?

Leon-I know. Do you need a ride?

Vilu-I should take the bus because you know....

Leon-Yeah I get it. So will I see you at the studio tomorrow?

Vilu-Yeah of course. I gotta go but I will call you later.

*Vilu grabs her bag,kisses Leon and leaves*

Vilu-(On the phone) Dad it's me. I am on my way home.


German-Where is she?!

Olga-What if something happened to her last night?

Ramallo-Stop it you two.  Violetta is not a baby and she can take care of herself

Jade-Ramallo you don't have children so you don't know how German is feeling.

German-Thank you Jade. Should we call Francesca's house?

Fede-You can call but she won't be there...

German-What are you implying? That she lied to me?

Fede-Urrrm no I mean that she has probably left already.

German-I hope that she is ok.

*Vilu walks inside*

Vilu-Who are you guys talking about?

German-You are ok!

Vilu-Yes and you are acting weird. Were you all waiting for me?

*Everyone nods*

Vilu-So what was the emergency that meant I could'nt stay at Fran's for breakfast then?

Jade-Your Dad and I havr set a date for the wedding.

Federico-Seriously? That is what you couldn't wait to tell us?

Jade-It will be on July 3rd.

Vilu-That's the date of the show.

Jade-Well since we are moving back to Spain, you are both going to quit. I thought that you already told them German.

German-I actually didn't Jade.

Vilu-How could you do this to us Dad?

German-Jade said that she would be more comfortable there and since we haven't been back long...

Fede-We have lives here!

Jade-I am sorry but we are moving to Spain and it's alreasy been decided

Vilu-I am never going to forgive you both. Jade I hate you for this.

Jade-Go to your room!

Vilu-I don't have to listen to this.

German-Yes you do now go.

*Vilu goes to her room and Federico walks out the front door*

Olga-I still can't believe you German...

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