A New Suspension

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(At the studio)


Angie-Yes Vilu?

Vilu-Don't Vilu me! I know all about your twisted little game!

Angie-Vilu calm down and talk to me. What game?

*Vilu hands Angie the receipts,notebook and the phone*

Vilu-You are just interested in my Dad's money! You used my emotional state to get close to me!

*Everyone starts to listen in*

Angie-That's not true!

Vilu-Then what was the real reason that you were in Madrid?

Angie-Well ummm..

Vilu-Ludmila was right! Just stay away from me or I will call the police.

*Vilu walks out and Leon follows her while Ludmila tries to sneak away*


Ludmila-Yes Angie?

Angie-Teachers office now!

(5 Minutes Later)

*Pablo walks in while Angie,Ludmila&Gregorio are already sitting*

Pablo-What did you do this time Ludmila?

Gregorio-Ludmila hasn't done anything at all.

Angie-You call going through my things nothing?!

Gregorio-Well since she revealed the truth about you then I think she did a good thing to help a classmate.

Pablo-You spreaded lies about Angie and went through her things so you have to be punished.

Ludmila-Angie is the one who lied.

Pablo-I am suspending you for 2 days.

Gregorio-I object.

Pablo-This isn't a courtroom so you can't object.

Gregorio-You won't suspend Ludmila

Pablo-I am director and the decision is final. Ludmila you have to leave.


Pablo-But nothing.

Ludmila-I am complaining to Antonio that your relationship with Angie is clouding your judgment . Ludmila is out!

*Ludmila leaves*


Leon-Vilu wait up!

Vilu-Sorry were you following me?

Leon-(Out Of Breath) Yeah...

Vilu-Sorry. Sit down.

*They both sit on a bench*

Leon-Do you really believe that Angie would do that?

Vilu-So you don't believe me? I thought that you were on my side!

Leon-I will always be on your side Vilu. But I am just saying that you shouldn't trust Ludmila. She is trouble and she is out to get you.

Vilu-She is?

Leon-Yes but I won't let her hurt you.

Vilu-Thanks Leon.

*They kiss and Jade walks up to them and clears her throat causing them to pull apart*

Jade-Violetta come with me.

Vilu-I am busy.

Jade-Do you want me to tell your father about this?

Vilu-Leon I will talk to you later.

Leon-Don't leave with her.

Vilu-We will talk later ok?

*Vilu and Jade walk away*

Vilu-What is it Jade?

Jade-We have to talk.

Vilu-About what?

Jade-Your Father is thinking about moving back to Spain and I need you to agree.

Vilu-What?! I don't want to leave! No!

Jade-Have you forgotten that I own you now?

Vilu-I am done letting you manipulate me. I am done.

*Vilu walks off*

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