A New Goodbye

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German-Ok guys. Are you all packed?

*Vilu and Federico nod solemnly*


Violetta-The house looks so empty. As if we were never here.

Jade-That's the point...

German-Well we had to send our things ahead. All you need for now is a suitcase and a carry-on.

Ramallo-So Olga are you ready?

Olga-Yes but I am going to miss it here

Violetta-Me too.

Federico-So when are we going to the studio?

German-Who said that we were going there?

Violetta-But we haven't said goodbye properly! Dad please!

*German looks at his watch*

German-Fine we have a bit of time. Let's go then.

*They get in the car and drive to the Studio*

*Violetta,German and Federico walks into the hall and Cami and Fran hug Violetta tightly*

Cami-You're here!

Violetta-And just about to leave...

Fran-To Spain..

Violetta-I am going to miss you all so so much. And good luck with the show.

Fran-Mr Castillo, the show is in 30 minutes. Can't Violetta and Federico sing one song?

German-I am sorry but no

Ludmila-Federico, I wish that you didn't have to leave..

*Ludmila leans in for a hug and he accepts it*

Federico-Oh Ludmila. If I wasn't leaving I would...

Ludmila-I know but you are.

Violetta-Leon, I am going to miss you so much.


*They hug for a long time*

German-Well that's enough. We don't need to bump into...


*Angie sees the twins and runs to give them a huge hug and they cling to her*

Angie-I am so glad that I saw you before you left! I hAve something to give to you both

*Angie pulls out a diary and hands it to Violetta*

Violetta-A diary? Wait this was Mom's!

Angie-She had two. This was the one that she wrote all her deepest thoughts in and I thought that it would help you feel closer to her.

Violetta-I can't thank you enough for this.

Angie-And Federico, her engagement ring. She always said that when you found the right girl that you could give it her. She wanted it to be a tradition.

Federico-I will treasure this.

Angie-Violetta, Federico. I will always love you and support you both

Violetta-We love you too Angie.

German-We need to leave now or we will miss our flight.

*Maxi,Federico,Francesca,Ludmila,Cami,Leon,Broduey&Vilu all hug and then Violetta and Federico walk out with German and go into the Car*

*Then Violetta lowers down the window and her and Federico wave at the others while Ramallo starts the car. Just before she leave, Violetta mouths "I love you" to Leon and he smiles. They then leave*

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