A New Punishment

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*German runs to Violetta and gives her a huge hug and looks her up and down looking for bruises or marks*

German-You are ok!

Vilu-I always was.

German-Wait you left on purpose?! I called the police!

Policeman-Well I will tell the other officers. This is why we wait 24 hours.

*The Policeman leaves*

*Leon comes out of hiding and German gets angry at the sight of him*

Leon-It wasn't her fault German. I made her.

Vilu-What are you doing? Dad it was me not him.

Leon-But I came to her window which made her.

Vilu-Leon stop! Dad it was all my fault.

German-Leon you should come inside since I told your parents that I would call them if I say them.

*They all go inside the house*

*Olga and Ramallo run to hug Vilu*

Olga-You are ok!

Vilu-I always was.

German-So Leon, what did you do to make my daughter disobey me like that?

Leon-Well I-I...

Vilu-Dad I love Leon.


German&Leon-You do?

Vilu-Yeah and we are together and you have to accept it.

German-I knew that enrolling you in that studio was a mistake.

Vilu-What are you going to do? Make me leave?

German-No but you are grounded. You will not leave this house unless you are with either me or Ramallo.


German-No buts Violetta. I would expect this from Federico not you.

*Federico walks in*


German-I meant that...

Federico-I know what you meant. You are unbelievable.

German-Violetta say goodbye to Leon since you are not "dating" any longer.


German-I already said no buts.

*Vilu tightly hugs Leon and then goes up to her room*

Federico-You handled that totally wrong.

German-Federico this is not the time.

Ramallo-I called Leon's parents and they will collect him shortly.

Leon-Actually I can walk home alone.

Ramallo-They forbid me to let you leave alone.

German-I am surprised at you Leon. Encouraging my daughter to do those things and making her lie to protect you.

Mrs Vargas-Leon I am so disappointed in you. You are grounded and no more seeing Violetta now come on.

*Leon and his Mom leave*

*Federico goes up to Vilu room and lets himself in*

*He sees Viu sitting on her bed on the phone and she doesn't notice him*

*She then throws her phone across the room in frustration and he goes and hugs her to comfort her*

Federico-Hey hey. Calm down Vilu.

Vilu-I can't believe that Dad would do that to me.

Federico-What did you expect? He is Dad.

Vilu-Not helping Fede...

Federico-Sorry but you kinda shouldn't have left. You know how he over reacts all the time.

Vilu-Fede why does everything bad happen to us? Mom dies and we get moved around everywhere and....

Fede- I know Vilu.

*Vilu puts her head on Fede's shoulder and they sit in silence both sighing*.

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