A New Prevention

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(The Next Day At The Studio)

*Vilu and Fede walk in and the others see Vilu's face which looks extremely sad and when  Fede and Vilu walk over to them, Leon puts his arm around Vilu*

Leon-Hey what's wrong Vilu?

Vilu-Leon, I have to tell you something well all of you.

Federico-Our Dad and his fiancee have decided that we are moving back to Spain, forever.


Leon-Are you serious? But Violetta....

Vilu-I have literally tried everything to change his mind but he won't. Guys we will have to miss the show..

Cami-What?! We have to do something!

Federico-Our Dad isn't really the type to just change his mind.

Vilu-I don't want to leave.

Angie-Leave where?

*Vilu runs to Angie and gives her  hug and Angie looks confused*

Angie-Where are you leaving to go?

Federico-Our Dad is taking us to Spain, forever and we have to miss the show.

Angie-Seriously?! That's it.

*Angie walks off and goes into this staff room*

Pablo-Hey what's wrong?

Angie-German is taking the twins back to Spain.


Angie-I have to stop him. He is not taking them away again. I won't let him.

*Angie picks up her phone and dials a number*

Angie-It's Angie. I bet that you never thought that you would see me again but I am in Buenos Aires and we need to talk. Face to face...

A New World (A Violetta Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now