A New Misunderstanding

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(5pm at the race track)

*Everyone is there to support Leon except Violetta*

Leon-Thanks for coming everyone. It means a lot.

Maxi-No problem and I have never really seen you race before.

Federico-I am looking forward to it.

Leon-Hey Fede, have you heard from Violetta?

Federico-Last time I saw her she said she wasn't coming.

Cami-Well apparently she changed her mind.

*Cami points at Vilu who walks over to them*

Fran-So you came?

Vilu-Yeah I didn't have any other plans so I thought it would be fun.

Fede-You said that you weren't coming.

Vilu-Well I didn't know you would be here.

Fede-Not the point.

Leon-Hey Vilu can I talk to you?


*Leon and Vilu walk away from the others and Lara stares at them from behind a bike*

Leon-I am glad that you decided to come.

Vilu-It's fine.

Leon-I am glad you are here so you can see that there is nothing between Lara and I.

Vilu-Well you do know that she likes you right?

Leon-No she doesn't. We are just friends.

Vilu-Whatever you say.

*The bike that Lara is hiding behind falls*

*Leon rushes over to her and she pretends to be hurt*

Leon-(Concerned) Are you ok?

Lara-Yeah it's just my ankle.

*Vilu watches sourly as Leon helps Lara over to a bench and fusses over her*

Leon-Do you want me to sit with you?

Lara-No my ankle is fine plus you have a race to win! Good luck!


*Leon walks back over to Vilu*

Vilu-(Sarcastic) Is she ok now?


Vilu-I just asked a question.

Leon-There is no need to be jealous. I like you not her.

Vilu-Well then I...

Lara-You need to start the race now!

Leon-Ok. Wish me good luck!

Vilu-Good luck.

*Leon kisses Vilu's cheek and then walks off to start the race*

Lara-You aren't going to get him.

Vilu-Sorry what?

Lara-He is still just using you.

Vilu-Listen I know that you like him but it's no reason for you to be horrible to me.

Lara-You know everyone might be falling for that good girl act of yours but you don't fool me.

Vilu-I don't have to listen to this.

Lara-Leon doesn't like you and I can prove it.

Vilu-(Uninterested) Ok sure.

*Vilu walks over to Cami and Fran who are both cheering loudly*

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