A New Breakup

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Vilu-Wow I like this place.

Leon-Yeah we all come here all the time and perform and hang out.

*Leon and Vilu sit at a table  and Luca walks up to them*

Luca-Oh you are Violetta! My sister Francesca can't stop talking about you.

Vilu-She is great. Is she here?

Luca-(Sighs) Yes she is there with that Diego....Anyway can I take your order?

Vilu-I will have a strawberry and banana smoothie.

Leon-I will have a peach smoothie.

Luca-Right away.

*Luca goes to prepare the smoothie and brings the drinks back*

Luca-Here you go on the house.

*Luca leaves*

Vilu-He seems nice.

Leon-Yeah just wait until you get to know him.

*Vilu laughs and Leon smiles*

Leon-You have a beautiful smile.

Vilu-Leon...You are with Ludmila and..

Leon-I know sorry.

Vilu-Do you want to try some of my smoothie?

Leon-I can't sorry. I am allergic to strawberry.

Vilu-Oh I will have to remember that.

Leon-I guess you will.

*Ludmila&Naty walk in and see Vilu and Leon and Ludmila runs up to them and starts a scene*

Ludmila-Are you CHEATING ON ME?! With HER?!

Leon-Ludmila this isn't a date. We are just friends.


Ludmila-DID I ASK YOU?! You know what? I will forgive you if you promise not to talk to her anymore.

Leon-I will not do that. It's over Ludmila.

Ludmila-You will regret this!

Leon-No I won't


*Ludmila runs out and Naty follows her*

Vilu-Are you ok?

Leon-I am great.

A New World (A Violetta Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now