A New Trick

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(In Angie's Class)

Angie-So I hope that you have all been practicing. Because our show is soon. But now I have some news.

All-What is it?

Angie-You won't all perform your solos.


Angie-The aim was to give you all something to audition. Because the show has been postponed.


Angie-Because we have a few money issues.

Ludmila-So I guess that your Dad isn't funding the studio Violetta you liar.

Angie-Ludmila! Violetta's father helps us pay the rent and bills not the performances.


Angie-So you will all have to audition the songs that I have chosen and the dances that you choreographed. Sounds good?


Angie- Great class dismissed.

*Everyone starts to chat and some people start to leave*

Ludmila-Violetta wait.

Violetta-You guys can go on without me.

*Everyone leaves and Ludmila and Violetta are the only people in the room*

Violeta-What do you want Ludmila?

Ludmila-I want to tell you something.

Violetta-Listen if this is about you dating Fede then...

Ludmila-No it's not. It's about Angie.

Violetta-What about her?

Ludmila-Isn't your Dad some millionaire?

Violetta-Yes so?

Ludmila-Angie is some kind of stalker.


Ludmila-She is after your Dad's money and is using you to get to him.

Violetta-Listen I don't know her that well but why would I take your word over her's?

Ludmila-Why take my word over it when I have proof?

*Ludmila hands Violetta Angie's phone,the plane ticket, receipts and a notebook*

Violetta-What is all this?

Ludmila-I found it all in Angie's bag.

*Violetta opens the notebook and is shocked by what she finds inside*


Ludmila-I was as shocked as you are.

Violetta-(Reads aloud) Places that Violetta and Federico are likely to be, German's work schedule, Violetta and Federico's timetable.

Ludmila-Believe me now?

Violetta-Why would you tell me this?

Ludmila-I thought that you had a right to know. I mean were you not just a little suspicious about how nice she is to you. I mean she basically knows where you are all the time.


*Violetta walks out*


----Phone Convo--------

Naty-Did it work?

Ludmila-Yep. Thanks for making that notebook. She really believed that it belonged to Angie.

Naty-It was a great idea but you may be able to fool Violetta but you still don't know the real reason why Angie is so interested in them both.

Ludmila-Yeah but hopefully that notebook might buy us some time.

*Fede walks in*

Ludmila-Gotta go.

------Phone Convo Over-----

Fede-Are you ok?

Ludmila-Yep lets go.

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