A New Fight

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*Vilu  opens the door and it's Leon*



Vilu-Come in

*Leon walks in and shuts the door behind him*

Vilu-So do you know the lyrics to the song?

Leon-Yeah I wrote it and I made a copy of the lyrics for you.

Vilu-Ok so why don't you play it on the piano?

Leon-Ok sure.

*Leon sits on the piano stool and Vilu sits next to him*

*Vilu&Leon sing "Podemos" and then Federico&German walk into the room*



Vilu-Do you guys know each other?

German-I did some business with Leon's parents when you were little.

Vilu-Wait we used to live here? In Argentina?

German-Yes about 10 years ago around the time your Mother died.

Vilu-Wow I always that we grew up in Spain.

German-Anyway what are you doing here?

Leon-Violetta and I have an assignment for school.

German-Oh well you both sounded great. Don't you have an assignment Federico?

Fede-Yeah but I have to do it with this witch!

Leon-Hey that's my girlfriend that you are talking about.

Fede-I know.

Olga-Will Leon be staying for dinner?

Leon-Actually I should leave but  will see you tomorrow Violetta.

*Leon leaves *

Vilu-Dad can I go up to my room before dinner?


*Vilu goes up to her room and Fede just barges in*

Vilu-What are you doing? Get out!



*Vilu throws a small pillow at Fede*

Fede-Stop it! I think that you are being stupid.


Fede-About Leon

Vilu-Arggh I am done arguing with you so get out of my room or I am telling Dad.

Fede-That's your solution to everything isn't it?

Vilu-Stop it!

*Olga comes in*

Olga-Vilu is something wrong?

Fede-No she is fine. I was just leaving.

*Federico walks out*


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