A New Suggestion

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Pablo-So we are haven't finished planning the whole show and we wanted to know if anyone had any ideas.

Cami-Violetta wrote a song that would be great because it's a love song.

Vilu-It isn't a love song.

Pablo-Would you mind playing it?

Vilu-Urrm it's not finished...

Cami-Remember Leon finished for you.


Pablo-Please Violetta?

Vilu-Ok fine.

*Vilu reluctantly walks up on stage and plays the piano and sings*

I know that love has a master plan,

And that it's taking me by the hand.

When I look back now I get a feeling,

That it's all fate thAt we have been revealing.

Now in your eyes I can see a dream,

And in the music I hear the sound.

Of that crazy feeling so deep in me,

And now it's spinning me round and round.

With every step that had lead us here,

There is no need to wonder,

If we can fly.

Right now, everything is so right,

Right now , we are so alive.

Happy, when you are next to me,

Right where, you are meant to be.

Feel fate falling into place,

Now I can stare forever at your face.

Right now, there is a night sky full of stars,

Wait for us.

I know that love has a master plan.

*Everyone stands up and smiles while Vilu looks at Leon smiling and he gives her a wink*

Pablo-I think that we will definitely include that song. Meeting over.

*Vilu walks off the stage and gives Leon a big hug*

Leon-Wow you made my lyrics sound amazing.

Vilu-Thanks so much.

Leon-Hey do you want to....?

Angie-Great job Violetta.

Vilu-Thanks Angie.

*Everyone walks over to them*

Fran-That was amazing!

Vilu-Thanks. I couldn't have done it without Leon help.

*They hug again*

Cami-I didn't realise that that you two got back together.

Vilu&Leon-(Awkwardly) Oh...we are..not...together..

Cami-Ok then.....Vilu, Fran and I are planning a sleepover. Wanna come?

Vilu-Sure we can have it at mine.

Fran- Great!

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