bad day, huh?

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"Y'know, the neon sign is right—ice cream is always a good idea."

Karl scooped a little from his ice cream—cookies and cream, his favorite—and looked at the guy in front of him.

"Told you Moo's is a great place," Karl said while his spoon is on his mouth. "It's a go-to place for the stressed."

"I told you on and on, I'm not stressed." Karl laughed. The boy's tone even sounded in denial. "I'm just having a bad day."

"Bad day, huh?"

Axel, the guy who wore a gray jacket matched with a green polo and jeans, just shrugged. He looked like a small child while diving in his mint chocolate ice cream. His lips were smeared with oozing brown cream. His hair was always a mess.

"Even superheroes need a break from time to time."

Karl scanned the room. They were the only customer's left, just because he begged Auntie to let them in for a little longer. They were on a first name basis–Karl was a regular, especially on exam weeks or project deadline seasons.

And being the only customers left, they soloed the pink sofa with black cushions (so that if the ice cream drips, it won't be noticeable. Karl forgot this thought every time he visits the place. Still, he hugged the pillow tightly.)

The white table was painted with doodles of different colors, then painted with a light coat so it wouldn't fade. Axel didn't care, obviously. His legs rest on the edge of the table.

"Mint chocolate is the best. Fight me!" Axel proudly exclaimed, even raising his glass.

"Why do you even like that flavor?" Karl made a face. "It tastes like toothpaste."

"Shut up, dork." Axel also made a mocking face. "You just can't appreciate mint chocolate. It's delicate."

"You can't change the fact that it tastes like toothpaste."

When Axel called, he was brushing his teeth and already in his pajamas. He decided to call it a night since it was already 10 PM. Plus, his schedule for tomorrow would start at seven AM. Sweet.

The guy stuck out her tongue—it wasn't covered in cream, thankfully. "Then I don't need to brush my teeth then."



"Hygiene. Remember that word?"

Axel sneered at the boy, and he scoops a mouthful of ice cream to his mouth. "Grab the pint already and bring it here."

"Can I have my own pint as well?" Karl asked. He tried to muster all his good-boy-tone. It always worked with the elderly.


"Pretty please?"

"We'll share the pint instead."

"It's mint chocolate."

"Do you have any problem with that?"

Karl raised his arms as a sign of defeat. "Fine. As long as it's ice cream."

"Hey, dork."

Axel grabbed the pint and handed it to Karl's face. He wasn't smiling—just plainly offering the ice cream. However, after two scoops, Karl decided to drink water and stare outside instead.

"No, thank you," Karl replied. He shrugged as well.

"C'mon, it's free."

"Only if you tell me why you called me." Karl smirked.

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