Dear You,
(Whoever you are that patiently reads my crappy entries here in this diary, and intently waits for new updates.)
I know... I have mentioned a lot of dramas and boring stuffs.. But this diary is not made for entertainment. Or to ruin other people's lives.
I apologize to the people who were/are/will be offended reading this diary. I meant to know you more, to understand you deeply. I'm sorry for including you in whatever stories I have in my 23 years of life without your permission - whoever and where ever you are. Especially, the people who are already part of my past.
I want to thank the kind people who touch my life, the intelligent people who inspire me, the villains who make me stronger and the experiences I have with all of them that teach me lessons.
I have a lot of shortcomings being a teacher, a daughter, a friend, a sister, an auntie, a cousin, a girlfriend. I'm still human. I am no superhero. There's a monster inside me that I wouldn't able to let go. It's a part of me. It's a part of who I am.
But this is not what I really want to say... I want to tell you that,
All we need is FREEDOM~
"In the end.. We only regret the chances we didn't take."
A Teacher's Diary
Документальная прозаThis is a collection of my thoughts, my random days journal, selected written outputs and literary pieces from various famous and infamous authors. Enjoy reading. ?