July 4, 2014
I feel good. Maybe because finally, little by little, I can be myself with my co-teachers in Guada. I feel grateful because they are all nice people.
It was funny when I checked our faculty calendar, (with all the teachers birthdays encircled with a pointed arrow into each given funny nicknames) I saw mine with nothing but an ellipsis.
April 6 ---> ....
They said it's because I am too quiet and I rarely speak. It was really funny. I can't help but laugh.
Also, they find it weird that I'm not very visible to the faculty. They're joking if I know a place they don't know because they rarely see me. They wonder if I have a place to stay of my own. Once, Teacher Josie asked me, "Where do you stay when you don't have classes?" It was actually a serious question for them. I haven't noticed it myself. But it was really a big deal to them that they don't see me hang out or stay in the faculty that much.
My weirdness and my presence somehow means something now.
A Teacher's Diary
Документальная прозаThis is a collection of my thoughts, my random days journal, selected written outputs and literary pieces from various famous and infamous authors. Enjoy reading. ?